Brain matters too, bro

I have changed dozen companies in my carrier so far. Even though changing companies often was unprecedented just 20 years ago, these days is rather a common thing. Every time I have left a company, there was a good reason, some times multiple reasons, sometimes external circumstances. Regardless, never have I ever moved to another company for more money, or other material benefits. I claim this responsibly and I stand by this rule to this day. Every time there has been a tipping point when I have decided: I give up, not worth it, I'm leaving . And I always ask my self, what is the root cause that is pushing me over the line. There must be an underlying common problem that prevails through the years. I have often pondered: What is that thing I can't tolerate in the companies I leave? During my last interview (or what looked like one) I had a revelation. The outside image of the company matters to me, but I appreciate the brains much more. When I say brain, ...