
Showing posts from June, 2024

Its not a bug, its a feature

  I was always a little odd kid, compared to the rest of the children in my surrounding, that is. When all the kids were chasing the empty can they found on the street pretending to play "football", I was looking at how that exact can bounces of the curb, admiring the symmetry of the collision angles. I was fascinated by the intricacies of the bouncing trajectories, from the simple act of playing marbles to the mesmerizing chaos that unfolds as balls disperse across pool tables.  Long story short, I was the strange kid in the bunch. That impostor syndrome persisted in me for a long time through high school and college, just the topics changed. I was always considering it a bug, part of my non-fitting-in character.  What I realized growing up, was that a small perception shift can change my bugs into features. The paradigm shift was: What if I can use a given peculiar quirk of mine into a skill I can get a value from. I don't mean like business point value, I mean more lik