How Social Media and The Internet destroyed Science

During my high school education I had several teachers changed for the subject Language and Literature. It seemed to me that whenever we got assignment to write an essay, I was getting poor grades. Regardless of the effort I put, regardless of the teacher involved I was getting poor grades. Nearing graduation I confronted my current teacher, and asked her, rather boldly: Why did you give me a bad grade? She replied: I don't like your style. I was furious, I continued asking: Did, I miss the topic? Does the essay have errors, is something incorrect? Her answer was: NO, I just don't like it! What I instantly realized was that in order to get a good grade, I was required to match her style. I was suppose to make the essay likable for one person specifically and morph my style to match hers. OK, I thought to myself, Literature is a subject of criticism, so likability matters. I can live with that. On the other hand, the same teacher would often glorify authors that ...