Mountain biking


Most people consider mountain biking an extreme sport. I strongly disagree. Let me explain, just bear with me 🐻

Something being extreme is a subjective matter, and depends on the point of view. Consider bringing a man from 1903 and taking him for a ride in your minivan on the highway at 120km/h. Would he consider that extreme? It is pretty common for me, not extreme for us at all, but for him it will be terrifying, borderline insane!

Same applies for mountain biking. Given an average man of this day and age, riding a bike for a 5km on a mellow hill should be a common thing. Especially if kids are included, taking breaks along the way and having a snack at the top.
I would agree though, that making double flips on a downhill trail is a bit extreme, but that's just me, I'm sure its no big deal for Danny Macaskill. So I proved my point, OK? 😎

Now, I have flown over the bars, had some serious injuries, but that's just part of the game. Its not a question of if you take a hit, but when. So wearing protective gear helps a lot.

What I have realized riding mountain bikes over the years, including longer trails is:
  • Trail difficulty is something in your mind, beer does not help, water does!
  • 50km is just a number, riding them uphill takes great mental determination
  • The longer the ascent, the longer the descent (kind of obvious, but needs repeating in your mind on the way up)
  • Going to the top with another vehicles, just to do the downhill feels like cheating (to me at least)
  • Its nothing like motocross, even though it looks similar (its like comparing kayak and speedboat)
  • Having first aid kit is an extra 200g of weight, most of the time. However, sometimes those 200g make all the difference whether you're riding back home or being air lifted back home
  • The same applies for mini bike tools, broken chain means pushing the bike all the way back home
  • Having a bike friend with a similar bike skills/strength as you is priceless
  • When riding with kids, bring an extra shoe lace or paracord, you would be surprised of all the uses
As noted before, one can choose any line when descending, whichever fits ones skill level. Because its a freestyle sport, not an extreme one.



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