
Showing posts from October, 2020


 No, this is not an OOP programming lesson. Its merely just my observation and rationalization of the phenomena of computer development. I always considered myself lucky to be in the right place at the right time to become a software developer. Besides my talent, I was lucky to be the optimal age when computers started becoming personal and also affordable for my parents to get me one. These enablers and several persons that altered my path were the biggest contributors to my carrier. But I always wondered what made our profession so important, why I always here the same phrase: "Oh, you are a programmer, you are needed profile, you can get a job anywhere". Even though this is cliché, it is true non the less. Looking back on all the life segments I have touched with my software development, I think I finally have the answer. We are Shape Shifters of the business world , we are setting and maintaining the infrastructure and tools the business world uses to make money, we are b...

Eat your own dog food

  I often times find myself determining whether I should take my car for a repair in a mechanic's shop or should I try to repair it myself. I am regular car owner (who has access to YouTube, thank you ChrisFix ), besides being a little mechanically inclined, I do not own any specialty tools, heck I don't even have a vise. I do however tend to collect general purpose tools mostly out of necessity throughout the years.  So often times I take the challenge and the calculated risk to fix some issue on the car. I know in advance that it will be labor intensive , time inefficient  and will require tool improvisation , regardless I still do it.  Besides the immense disappointment I have from bad mechanics in my past, one of the pros is that feeling of control when you know the quality of the work done, you know what I mean? And then there is that sense of accomplishment that I fixed something, I'm sure this is not unique to me, can I get an Amin from all the DIYers out th...

MENSA missfit

  I was around 14 when I discovered that there is an organization called MENSA. By the way it was explained to me, I got the impression that resembled one of the Free Masons Order (secrets and all that). I was all hyped. After clarifying though, I realized that the only benefit from being in this exclusive club was: You get to hang out with very smart people .  My immediate response was: MEH... Is that all ? I already have the coolest friends, no thanks, I'll pass (typical teenage reasoning, and this was before the internet).  I was wrong. I came to regret that decision. I should have joined there and then, besides I already knew some guys "on the inside". I since have taken several tests online and it seems I would have entered the club.  These days I miss hanging out with smart people. People in my surrounding are focused on shallow matters, poor values and basically have no virtues, so yes I crave for smart people around. I also noticed that smartness rubs off, s...