Eat your own dog food


I often times find myself determining whether I should take my car for a repair in a mechanic's shop or should I try to repair it myself. I am regular car owner (who has access to YouTube, thank you ChrisFix), besides being a little mechanically inclined, I do not own any specialty tools, heck I don't even have a vise. I do however tend to collect general purpose tools mostly out of necessity throughout the years. 
So often times I take the challenge and the calculated risk to fix some issue on the car. I know in advance that it will be labor intensive, time inefficient and will require tool improvisation, regardless I still do it. 
Besides the immense disappointment I have from bad mechanics in my past, one of the pros is that feeling of control when you know the quality of the work done, you know what I mean? And then there is that sense of accomplishment that I fixed something, I'm sure this is not unique to me, can I get an Amin from all the DIYers out there. 
The only drawback from this is the same thing that makes it great, I know what went in the car and since I don't fix cars every day, I always wonder if what went in is good enough for me to put my life on it. 
However since I am responsible for my life even if some mechanic makes a boo boo, It feels comforting to at least know how to fix some similar problem in the middle of the night in some abandoned road I might get stuck on.


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