MENSA missfit
I was around 14 when I discovered that there is an organization called MENSA. By the way it was explained to me, I got the impression that resembled one of the Free Masons Order (secrets and all that). I was all hyped. After clarifying though, I realized that the only benefit from being in this exclusive club was: You get to hang out with very smart people.
My immediate response was: MEH... Is that all? I already have the coolest friends, no thanks, I'll pass (typical teenage reasoning, and this was before the internet).
I was wrong. I came to regret that decision. I should have joined there and then, besides I already knew some guys "on the inside". I since have taken several tests online and it seems I would have entered the club.
These days I miss hanging out with smart people. People in my surrounding are focused on shallow matters, poor values and basically have no virtues, so yes I crave for smart people around. I also noticed that smartness rubs off, so yes, that decision back then, costs me smartness now.
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