No pain no gain


I often see this weird behavior in the Gen Z kids these days. They always want to get the solution of a problem without taking the time to actually solve it. They want to get to the goods without seeing the bad along the way. This apparently is a topic for a whole book, but I digress. 

I was around 12 when personal computers become affordable to the masses. Due to my lack of knowledge, every time I (accidentally) deleted some system file, I would take it to the repair shop. 

One day the guy there told me: You have to stop sabotaging your own computer. If you are eager to break it, you should also be eager to repair it on your own. 

I quickly followed up with: OK, then how do I repair it? 

He confidently replied (in Yoda style): If I just tell you, you will forget the next minute, but if you discover on your own, you will remember it and along the way come to appreciate my labor

I took his advice. These days I'm a software developer, thanks to Krume Krsteski. It turned out I needed that push.

The path to knowledge is fraught with consequence (Rango 09:23)


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