Positive feedback loop


Why are you programmers so over-confident, why are you sometimes even arrogant? Why are you so egocentric, why are you so evil, why are you selfish? Why are you so overly _________? (chose any random adjective)

If I had a nickel for every time I heard these phrases. Even though I am not an expert on psychology I would argue that people involved in "Thinker Trades" get their characters amplified due to a positive feedback loop. This means any existing personal characteristic gets amplified and gets accentuated a lot. This is not limited to programmers though, I have noticed it in the Medical trade, Engineering, Architecture and Management (government or otherwise). Most of these trades have one thing in common, they produce Rock Star personalities, or what we call "Lone Wolf" syndrome. 

Its a flow where one person is brewed to a high level of knowledge and professionalism and that gives a positive feedback loop of acknowledgment and pride. Consequently personal flaws become personal virtues. So if a guy was ego centric to begin with, now he becomes an ego maniac. If a girl was a bossy person to begin with, now she becomes an army general.

To wrap things up, Thinker Trades amplify all feelings and personalities (both good and bad). So instead of asking why programmers are arrogant maybe we should ask why are their feelings on steroids?


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