
Stereotyping people is not a good idea in general, however, when it comes to adventure spirit, it seems that most people fall under two types: 

  • The ones that keep the car tank almost empty most of the time
  • The ones that keep the car tank almost full most of the time
Mind you, I am considering that this stereotyping assumes that both types consume approximately the same amount of fuel, its the setup that differs, basically the mindset of the driver.

The first kind almost always plans their trips as one-hop-away from home, so they approximate consumption, put X liters of fuel, drive to the destination, come back home and the tank is almost empty. This is Home revolving mindset

The second type, are planning the trip as a means to reach the destination, regardless of the number of hops or wrong turns along the way. There is always enough fuel in the tank to get back home. The X liters of spent fuel is then replanished at the end of the trip and the tank is full again. This is Journey revolving mindset

Even though my example is over simplified, I would argue that: 
  • The first type is always the nostalgic type, not liking uncertainties and unknowns. They are fine with repetitive tasks, and generally don't like changes in life.
  • The second type of people always have more fun and endure greater adventures, because home is just a node in the network. Its not the Alpha and Omega, but merely just a Pie 😏.
And it all boils down to fuel tanks, strange right?


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