Time dilation

Would you believe me if I tell you that the more time you have, the less things you get done. Counter intuitive, right? These days we are sprinting our life, numbing our guilt with the mantra: if I had more time, I would have been better person / parent / professional / athlete

I don't want to be the crusher of dreams, yet here we are: You will not be any of that, given all the time in the world. Granted, if you had a little more time in the scope of a single day, then maybe, yes. Otherwise NO

Let me elaborate; say we don't have to go to work, we don't have to take care of our children / friends / parents, we don't have any eminent requests to do, no schedule, no one demanding anything from you. 

You wake up today and then what? What would you do? As one famous MEME said, if you are granted all your wishes today, what will you do tomorrow?  And vice versa, lets assume you do have something you need to do, your mind will say to you: So what if I don't finish it today? I will always have tomorrow, and then the next day, and the next. Say hello to procrastination. 

Then you realize that your only deadline is your death line. So time has no meaning, things have no meaning, nothing has any significance, so you don't do it. In contrast when time is scarce you push yourself and optimize to fit more things done in a day, ergo you are more efficient. 

It turns out our mortality is our greatest motivation.


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