Toy store


I broke a lot of toys while I was a kid, surprise, surprise. I was dismantling them to see the internals and deduce how they work. So as one would assume, I often failed to put them back together, or I would break some small part along the way. 

My uncle was handy with tools and had a shed in the back yard. He frequently helped me repair my broken toys. One day (think I was 8) I went to his house with an awesome idea: Lets open a Toy repair shop! He rolled on the floor laughing. We abandoned the idea then, but as I grew up, my toys were becoming "big boy toys" so this time around I had to fix them. At that point, I had to be handy with tools, so I became handy out of necessity. 

Looking back at that day I realize the idea was good, I just needed a better name: Maker Shed. Meantime 3D printers become affordable as well... Just saying


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