Do you even pack bro?


Every time I watched some prepper's video or a how to bug out guide, I was comforting my self with the mantra: "Yea, that's all nice and cool, but am I ever going to need that in a modern day society?" 

As of recent events, apparently yes. I should have had at least a minimal plan of what to pack in a case of a bailout. Currently we are having major flood, biggest flood in Slovenia since recorded history. We had 250 l/m2 of rain in 2 days. 

So as we were watching the news and seeing how people are air lifted to safety, I started thinking if I had to evacuate my family, required to bring bare minimum, what would I pack? More importantly how will I make sure it will stay dry?

The only water proof bag I have is the one depicted above, it holds approximately 10 liters and has a strap. So I started packing...

  1. Two external hard disks with all our photos and videos (all our memories in them)
  2. All our cell phones
  3. Passports, IDs and bank cards
  4. The reserve car key, the original stays on to exit door, in case we have to bug out with the car in a rush
  5. Some cash
  6. First aid kit
Interestingly enough I didn't even considered bringing food or water... there was no room inside the bag anyways. It made me wonder, are our family memories more important than food? Apparently they are! 

Have you ever pondered in case like this, what would you pack


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